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Syifa Andina
Save The Children
A story of ECCE practitioners in the Atambua, Belu district, a border of Indonesia and Timor Leste and in Jakarta, the Capital City. The experience of all stakeholders in ECCE; teacher, government representatives, trainers, the project staff, parents, and the children themselves has been summarized in this paper to provide a tips for the other practioners and key steps in achieving success and sustainable ECCE program. Some of the tips are committment to change and visioning.
ECCE program, sustainable, visioning, successful implementation
Access, Participation and Quality of Early Childhood Education
Corresponding Author
Christine Edith Pheeney
Charles Darwin University
The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals rally attention to the need for all children to have equal access and participation in quality education around the globe. In Indonesia, Pancasila provides socio-cultural guidelines to appropriate to context. Pancasila précised as ‘Unity in Diversity- recognises Indonesia-s diverse constituency and specifies deliberative inquiry within interdependent relations to achieve unity. This paper introduces a doctoral study of a Pancasila inspired approach to teacher learning. Twenty-three teachers representative of Indonesia-s diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds in dispersed locations were involved in a six-week program. Deliberative inquiry was scaffolded by Conflict Resolution Education Module video materials and a community facilitator, in online synchronous and asynchronous forums. Analysis of teacher reflections show maturation of teachers- ‘Unity in Diversity- conceptions were achieved via experiential learning in conversation. The online interregional interaction activated horizontal networks, responsibility and classroom application at an affordable cost, with capacity for broad utilisation and methodology for extension of other pertinent foci. The approach offers input to rethink and reconceptualise teacher professional development strategies for peaceful national development.
Teacher Learning, Pancasila, Unity in Diversity, Social Justice, Peace Education, Cultural Heritage, Local Wisdom, Transnational, Indonesia, Collaborative Inquiry
Access, Participation and Quality of Early Childhood Education
Corresponding Author
Besse Nirmala
(a) Tadulako University
Early Childhood Education
Palu, Indonesia
(b) Tadulako University
Early Childhood Education
Palu, Indonesia
This study aims to produce of snakes and ladders games with feasible to increase understanding of children related to earthquake disaster mitigation. Snakes and ladders games will be applied to children aged 5-6 years in Palu city. This research is a research and development according to Borg and Gall. Steps include research and data collection, planning, product development, initial field trials, revising the results of initial field trials, main field trials, refinement of product results of the main field test, trial run, improvement of the final product. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and questionnaries. Data analysis in the form of quantitative descriptive. The results showed that the assessment of the material validators get an average of 3.63, media validators get an average of 3.8, and disaster validators get an average of 3.75 (feasible category). In the initial field trials, it averaged persentage 78% and was included in the feasible category. The main field trials get an average persentage of 83%. Operational field trials get an average persentage of 87% included in the feasible category. It can be concluded that the game of the ladder snake as earthquake disaster mitigation is appropriate to use.
Snake and Ladders Game; Educational Game Tools; Earthquake Disaster Mitigation; and Early Childhood
Access, Participation and Quality of Early Childhood Education
Corresponding Author
Maisam Ahmadi
kabul university and Sinergi
Early childhood is the most critical time for positive intervention. Children-s development during this stage is strongly affected by their environment, and that effect continues to exert a strong influence on the rest of their lives. This article has a review over education programs in Jawa Timur Surabaya city by a organization it called Sinergi. It had been started by students of state university of Surabaya (UNESA) . They educate the kids who lives in slum area of Surabaya city known as kampung 1001 malam. The purpose of this program is to educate the children, the number of children whom attending the education program around 50 person and with different ages. the Sinergi volunteers use the simple ways to teach and planting hopes in the children hearts who are in their early childhood and growing up in the bad situation that has no edual access to educational opportunities. Challenges are facing: 1. uneducated parents and society. 2. Rude behaviour of parents with their children in public. 3. lack of donators and public support. Low family income is not the principal factor militating against the success of slum children in school. The manner of life into which they were born, the way in which they have been treated by adults, the kind of speech heard in the home, and the values, aspirations and personal habits of their elders are the main influences affecting the childs educability.
Early childhood slum area uneducated parents
Access, Participation and Quality of Early Childhood Education
Corresponding Author
Jalan Terusan Jenderal Sudirman Cimahi 40526. KONTAK. Phone : +62 (22) 665 86 80. Fax : +62 (22) 662 99 13
Inclusive education is a real evidence that there is no discrimination in education. The government through regulations has demonstrated support for the implementation of inclusive education at all education levels in Indonesia. That means that inclusive education must also be applied in early childhood education. Therefore, all components involved in early childhood education must be prepared to accept and implement an inclusive education system. Qualitative approach chosen to examine the extent of randomly selected in three provinces (Central Java, East Java and West Java) in implementing inclusive education. Fifteen early childhood education teachers involved in this research. Interviews were conducted with the fifteen teachers. This study identify how teachers understand the implementation of inclusive education, the challenges and obstacles they face in their implementation, and their expectations for better inclusive education. These findings show that all early childhood education understand the importance of inclusive education but not all have accepted children with special needs, limited teacher competency in dealing with children with special needs and the lack skill of making curriculum also a major challenge in implementing inclusive education. The more real government support is needed, such as to hold an inclusive education training to improve teachers competence.
inclusive education, inclusive early childhood education
Access, Participation and Quality of Early Childhood Education
Corresponding Author
Muhammad Hasbi
Ministry of Education and Culture
Early Childhood Education (ECE) is an important foundation of quality and sustainable human life in Indonesia. The Presidential Decree Number 60/2013 on Holistic and Integrative Early Childhood Education mandates that there are five basic needs that all Indonesian children should have, namely health, nutrition, education, care and protection. In line with it, relevant stakeholders are expected to collaborate and work hand in hand to realise quality ECE. There are at least three important parties to be involved: family or parents, educational units and health institutions. Of these three, it is important to note four things: first, the quality of the teachers, especially in establishing patterns of communication or interaction between teachers and children. Second, curriculum and methods, such as the ability to create and innovate play-based learning methods. Third, it is important to integrate health institutions in ECE units. Finally, parenting plays an essential role to stimulate childrens development.
Quality; ECE; Parenting; Holistic Integrative
Access, Participation and Quality of Early Childhood Education
Corresponding Author
Shofiyanti Nur Zuama
Prodi PG PAUD FKIP Universitas Tadulako
The research aims to determine and describe the circuit play model of the Liquifaction disaster mitigation as a source of child learning environment.The background of this research is done, because playing this circuit can be one of the learning resources of the environment that potential children recognize and understand the surrounding environment so that children have an attitude of standby and responsiveness in the face of natural disasters in the future. The type of research used is qualitative descriptive. The research uses data collection techniques, including observations, interviews and documentation.The data is used to reduce data reduction, display data and draw conclusions/verifications. Based on the results of the research, it can be explained that from both PAUD locations which are part of the victims of this liquifaksi disaster, PAUD Al Iqra with a total of 41 children who play with circuit play models of liquifaction disaster mitigation have a learning source Different environment and influence or positive impact for children compared to the Qurrota Ayun PAUD with 52 children. Aside from the facility of outdoor games that prepared more than five kinds in the school yard, the activity and seriousness of the child in exploring the circuit play model, as well as the opportunity and support from the teachers in giving space expression and exploring school pages so that the utilization of circuit play is easier, more focused, agile and supple as you play, and more spirit of doing children in PAUD Al Iqra.
Model Circuit Play; Disaster Mitigation; Liquifaction; Environment Learning Resources
Access, Participation and Quality of Early Childhood Education
Corresponding Author
Muhammad Ivan
Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs
This study aims to 1) describe regional investment in Early Childhood Education (PAUD) based on Original Local Government Revenue (PAD), 2) examine the conception of PAUD investment policy in local government policies relating to the improvement of the human development index (HDI) over the past 10 years, 3) PAUD policy in preparing human resources towards demographic bonus 2030, and 4) the impact of PAUD investments in reducing youth violence. PAUD investment is a standard to overlook regional policies effect on government stakeholders. In this study including descriptive literature research, and including the type of qualitative research. The results showed that investment in both policy and early childhood education had a long-term impact that increased the Gross Enrollment Rate (APK), supported the demographic bonus of 2030, and reduced the rate of youth violence.
PAUD investment, PAUD Policy, Original Local Government Revenue, Human Development Index, Gross Enrollment Rate
Access, Participation and Quality of Early Childhood Education
Corresponding Author
F Ana Rukma Dewi
Labschool Rumah Citta
ECCD RC Yogyakarta
When education is dedicated to children learning process, we need to ensure that all children must be an active subject on their early learning. Every child, in this era of global mind, would benefit from learning about how to share their critical thinking, creative and freely ideas in their supportive community. By implementing child centred approach in ECE, children will learn to raise their ideas, critical thinking and also learn to interact and make collaboration with their friends. The implementation of Child Centred Approach promote a dialogue between children, educators and also their parents, it is also ensure about how to promote child participation rights. This research article came from the best practice of child centred approach in early childhood education practiced in Labschool Rumah Citta on how to positioned children as centre of the learning process. The result of the documentation of best practice study showed how schools can involved children on building agreement in class, choosing of class themes, proposed activities based on the themes.It could make stronger engagement with the learning process. This article also will discuss the effects of child centred approach on children self-concept about being children with the participation rights.
participation, participation rights, child centred education
Access, Participation and Quality of Early Childhood Education
Corresponding Author
a) Korea National Open University
No 86, DeaHakro, Dongsungdong, Seoul, Korea, 03087
b) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl.Dr.Setiabudhi No.229, Bandung,40154, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Since 2002, the number of institutions for Early Childhood Education(ECE) in Indonesia has rapidly expanded in quantity. However, those increase in quantity does not guarantee an improvement in the quality of ECE institutions. There are various kinds of ECE institutions in Indonesia, such as kindergarten, day care school, community preschool, religious schools and so on. Moreover Indonesia is a vast country with many islands, many races, and many cultures. So, the quality differentials of Indonesias ECE institutions also varies, such as the size of school and operation of the institutions and programs are also diverse. In order to evaluate and improve the quality of those various ECE institutions, Indonesian government had launched a government-affiliated organization that is National Association of Accreditation for ECE and non-formal education in 2006. However, there are many voices on the site of an ECE institutes that they do not know how to prepare for accreditation due to lack of information on accreditation. For improvement of quality ECE institutions, this paper is argued that training and guides for institutions should be preceded the implementation of accreditation so that they can improve quality themselves.
Access, Participation and Quality of Early Childhood Education
Corresponding Author
Harris Iskandar
Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia
Quality ECCE and parenting education services are noble objectives and aspirations that are desired by everyone, both at the global and national levels. These ideals are further strengthened by the commitments of the world in general and Indonesia in particular that guarantee and promise to be fulfilled by 2030 at the latest. This paper elaborates logical and measurable solutions and strategies that can be implemented in order to realise the commitments.
ECCE; Indonesia
Access, Participation and Quality of Early Childhood Education
Corresponding Author
E. Hardiyanto
PP PAUD dan Dikmas Jawa Barat
Down to earth ECCE program implementation is relying on enough planning process at first hand. According to regulation No. 25 Year of 2004, states working unit plan of municipal either district office as bottom line. In fact, musrenbang (= development planning workshop) is start since rembug warga (= neighbourhood meeting) declared. This meeting aimed to identify and collect relevant data and information related to community need and expectation. In 2017, Bandung municipal is piloting e-musrenbang, as an application to assist BAPPEDA as a planning bureau to gather all necessary data source from neighbourhood meeting mechanism. According to ECCE program planning, limited data and information reflects on describing information, somehow data reduction occurs and unable to comply toward the system. Instead of ECCE program planning must be supported real data and required basic information, further data processing still just follow working unit deliberation.
ECCE, planning, rembug warga, musrenbang
Access, Participation and Quality of Early Childhood Education
Corresponding Author
Qonita Qonita
a) Early Childhood Education Departement, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Kampus Tasikmalaya
Jalan Dadaha No.18 Tasikmalaya, Indonesia
b) Early Childhood Education Departement, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung 40154
One of sustainable development target in education sector is to ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and preprimary education. The government must provide free and enforced preprimary education for at least one year with professional educators who can provide learning practices that can stimulate childrens development and accommodate the needs of sustainable development. One learning practices that meets those criteria is through science learning. This paper aims to portray factual conditions associated to achieve SDG targets. Four teachers from four different kindergartens in Tasikmalaya were selected to participate in this study. Data was collected by semi structured interviewed, and observation. The findings prove that the quantity of children participation in early childhood education has increased, but the supply of human resource has not well adjusted yet. The consequence teachers that involve in ECE do not have criteria of professionalism. Even the teachers who have professionalism criteria still face the problem in implementing the good quality learning especially in science. As teachers are a critical circumstance for guaranteeing quality education, teachers should be empowered, given training hat are equitable, sufficiently recruited and paid, professionally qualified, and sustained within well-resourced.
Sustainable development, early science, science education, teachers competence
Access, Participation and Quality of Early Childhood Education
Corresponding Author
Yusuf Faisal Martak
Inovasi untuk Anak Sekolah Indonesia (INOVASI) Jakarta - Ratu Plaza Office Tower - 19th Floor Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 9, Jakarta, Indonesia
Growing body of evidence has found Early Childhood Education (ECE) gives longer-term beneficial effect on student-s cognitive ability. Unfortunately, in developing countries, and especially other low-resources environment, too few children have a privilege to attend ECE. Using INOVASI large-scale longitudinal datasets, this study presents the inequality issue of accessing ECE and its effect on student-s learning outcomes in Indonesia. The finding suggests that participation rate in ECE is significantly higher in more developed provinces. It is mainly dominated by students from better off economic background, and more well-educated and caring parents. The gap has been also revealed on student-s learning achievement in which children participating in ECE have substantially better outcomes compared to their counterpart. Students who did not enrol in ECE may lose almost two years of learning. This evidence suggests that the government needs to improve access to ECE and its quality particularly for less disadvantaged children in remote areas. Lack of concern on this issue will produce a wider inequality in education.
Early Childhood Education, cognitive ability, education inequality, students learning outcomes
Access, Participation and Quality of Early Childhood Education
Corresponding Author
Heni Nafiqoh
Early Childhood Teacher Education Study Program IKIP Siliwangi Cimahi
Various methods are used as a learning effort that is fun for early childhood, but not yet optimal in its use. The purpose of this study is to obtain a picture and analyze differences in the results of creativity in children who learn the Hypnoteaching playing method, with children who learn by the usual method. So the focus of the problem in this research are: 1) Learning in PAUD still uses ordinary learning methods, causing a crisis of childrens creativity; 2) Not optimal use of the methods used in learning efforts that are fun for children; and 3) The lack of ability of some teachers to use the method is not appropriate for the age group of children. The specific target to be obtained is to strengthen the learning methods in order to develop childrens creativity. The research method used is Quasi Experiment using quantitative research approaches. The location and subjects studied were Tunas Siliwangi Integrated Early Childhood Education, 10 children aged 4-5 years, 10 control class children and 10 experimental class children. The data processing technique in this research is the use of Statistical Products and Solution Services (SPSS) software which is analyzed using t-test. The results of this study are the influence of the hypnoteaching playing method on creativity seen from the significance value smaller than 0.05 with an average value of improvement in the experimental class is 20.43734, while the control class is 18, 11057. The conclusion is the hypnoteaching playing method method influences the creativity of children aged 4-5 years.
Hyphnoteaching playing method, creativity
Access, Participation and Quality of Early Childhood Education
Corresponding Author
Tesya Cahyani Kusuma
STKIP Adzkia
Researchers see problems about the low critical thinking skills of children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten. This was seen during the learning process, the teacher asked only a few children who responded to the teachers question. In addition, it was also seen that some children were not enthusiastic about speaking or expressing their ideas. One part of cognitive development is critical thinking. Critical thinking skills can be developed in early childhood by using materials and methods that are appropriate to the stages of childrens thinking abilities that are still concrete. Learning methods that actively involve children are the most appropriate methods for building their own knowledge, as in experimental activities children do themselves and conclude the results of their experiments, one of which can be done through farming activities. The critical thinking component, namely, observing, identifying and analyzing the experimental class and the control class begins by giving a pre test and ending with a post test. Through these farming activities, children can learn many things and pay attention to the process of growing vegetables, ranging from seeding to growing leaves, so that children can think more deeply (critically).
Kindergarten, Planting Activities, Ability to think critically
Access, Participation and Quality of Early Childhood Education
Corresponding Author
Nurman Siagian
Early childhood education is believed to play important roles not only in the life of young children, but also for a countrys development and hence the Indonesia government has attempted to developed integrated and holistic services from different sectors to optimize early childhood education in the country. Beneath the strategy, lies an idea that children possess certain rights that need to be fulfilled by the state, society, and family. This paper aims to examine the implementation of the holistic integrated approach of early childhood education and development in Indonesia or known as PAUD HI. Using document analysis and site visits that includes interviews with various stakeholders at eleven districts of five provinces in Indonesia, this paper would like to see some issues and possibilities when the policy is being adopted. The findings suggest that there are two main issues with regards to the implementation of the policy, namely the governance and the extent to which the policy can directly reach the children. However, the finding also suggests some best practices pertaining the implementation of the policy such as the policy as best implemented when there exists collaboration and coordination in the village level. This seems to suggest that the implementation of policy could be optimised when the approach is bottom up instead of top down. The finding calls for a better governance system, a more child -centred approach policy as well as the bottom up policy that takes into account people-s voices so that the policy is relevant with the need of the people.
early childhood and education, collaborative governance, policy
Access, Participation and Quality of Early Childhood Education
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